UPS Systems and DC Chargers

Manufacturing AC
And DC Power

Solutions for our customer's primary and
secondary electrical power needs


Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

RIC Electronics has provided industrial uninterruptible AC power solutions since 1982. Specfications and features include:

  • 1 – 400kVA
  • 120, 208, 480, 600 VAC input/output options
  • Modular and hot swappable
  • Online battery monitoring

For a full list for all AC UPS equipment please click here
RIC Electronics – Industrial Uninterruptible Power Supply

DC Battery Chargers

RIC industrial battery chargers are built to spec and designed to last. Both SCR and high frequency switch-mode chargers have long MTBF and low MTTR making them a low maintenance, worry free solution. RIC Electronics battery chargers are high quality and built for industry applications that require high reliability, extensive alarming functionality and robust communication.

  • Output voltages of 12, 24, 48, 125, 240, 480 VDC
  • Output current up to 1200 A.
  • Customizable enclosure options including indoor and outdoor rated.
  • Online battery monitoring
  • Multiple communication protocol options

For a full list for all DC Chargers please click here
RIC Electronics – Industrial Battery Chargers